Hellenic Army Academy

Graduation – Prospects

All Cadets who successfully complete the final year examinations of the Academy’s curriculum when they take the legal oath are called Second Lieutenants. The designation is made by a Presidential Decree issued following the proposal of the Minister of National Defense, and they are registered in the corresponding Armed Forces yearbook.

The graduating Second Lieutenants are ranked in the Hellenic Army in order of seniority in Arms and Corps according to the existing legislation on Officers.

Second Lieutenants of Arms are assigned to the following Arms:

  • Infantry
  • Armor
  • Artillery
  • Engineering
  • Signals
  • Army Aviation

Likewise, Corps Lieutenants are classified in the following Corps:

  • Technical
  • Ordnance
  • Supply and Transportation.

New Second Lieutenants take the prescribed oath in an official ceremony that takes place at the Academy. After being sworn in, they then attend their respective assigned Arms or Corps Application Schools.

As Officers, they attend various military schools at home and abroad and are trained in modern weapons, means and systems. A wide horizon of prospects opens up before them and they can progress gradually, based on their ability, up to the highest ranks of the Military Hierarchy.

At the same time, they have the possibility to further improve, if they want, their prospects, by studying in other undergraduate and postgraduate study programs.

During their career as Officers, they have the possibility, if so they wish and if they know foreign languages ​​very well, to claim their studies in Schools and Academies abroad, depending on the needs of the Army, as well as to serve in various positions abroad (NATO Strategic Bases, Envoys of Embassies, Peace Missions Corps, etc.).